

The post-graduate specialisation program of sports and exercise medicine in Finland is carried out according to the curriculum and requirements of the medical faculties of each University. The requirements of each university are similar, and the exam is the same in each university. Five years minimum is required to complete the training.  


The goal of the specialist training program is to provide the specialist with a substantial knowledge and understanding of the effects of exercise in all age groups, the risks involved with exercise and inactivity, and an ability to use this knowledge in the promotion of public health and the diagnosing, prevention and treatment of diseases, including amongst other cardiovascular diseases and both acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries and their sports and exercise spesific nuances.   


A specialist in sport and exercise medicine has command of the essential methods for assessment of health, functional capacity and physical performance. Specialists are also able to work in teaching, consultant and physician roles in health care, as well as in sport and physical activity organisations. Specialists need to be aware of the guidelines regarding prohibited substances and methods as well as the principles of doping control procedures. The application of approved medical practices and the implementation of nutritional sciences to support sports coaching and the physically active individual are also required. 


The proficiency of a sport and exercise medicine physician is composed of knowledge from several specialties and subspecialties in medicine, together with sports science. Examples of these are physiatry, clinical physiology, occupational medicine, rehabilitation medicine, orthopedics, traumatology, and internal medicine, as well as exercise physiology and biomechanics. A similar broad specialty of medicine is for example occupational medicine. 


About one half of the specialisation training takes place in one or several of the six centres of sports and exercise medicine in Finland. The other half of the practical training and education takes place in the hospital in the field of surgery, orthopedics and traumatology, physiatry, clinical physiology, internal medicine and/or other specialties that support sports and exercise medicine.